Mission & History
The Creative Advantage is a citywide collaboration that expands equitable access to arts education for students in Seattle Public Schools through collaboration with principals, teachers, and community arts partners. We believe learning in and through the arts gives students the skills they need to grow and thrive.
We are a collective impact partnership between Seattle Public Schools Visual & Performing Arts Program, the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, community arts partners, and the Seattle Foundation. Together, we are all working to ensure every Seattle student receives the high quality arts education they deserve.
Addressing the inequity
In 2012, Seattle Public Schools conducted a needs assessment and learned there were significant barriers facing students in accessing quality arts instruction — especially students of color, those receiving free and reduced lunch, those in special education programs, and multilingual language learners.
After the needs assessment was conducted, a group of individuals, educators, experts, and stakeholders co-developed goals toward more equitable arts access. This effort resulted in the Seattle K-12 Arts Plan, which asserts every student in every Seattle school should receive:
- High quality arts instruction that teaches sequential arts skills and techniques, develops students’ 21st Century Skills and is culturally responsive
- Instruction from certified arts teachers
- Integrated arts instruction
- Arts partnerships with community-based organizations and teaching artists
- Opportunities to connect arts to careers in high school
Collaborator roles
Seattle Public Schools
Seattle Public Schools expands students’ access to arts teachers and classes, transforms visual and performing arts curriculum to be culturally responsive and incorporates 21st Century Skills, and helps schools develop arts-rich communities.
Seattle Office of Arts & Culture
The Seattle Office of Arts & Culture Seattle Office of Arts & Culture increases students’ access to professional artists and arts organizations and provides training for teaching artists and teachers.
Community Arts Partners
Community arts partners engage students and teachers in learning that integrates arts into other subject areas and in cultural arts experiences.
The Seattle Foundation
The Seattle Foundation is the fiscal partner that accepts donations and grant funding for The Creative Advantage.
Our progress
As of 2023-24, this initiative is in 97 school (out of 104) and with a goal to be in all Seattle Public Schools by the end of 2025 — more than 50,000 students!